Booking now open for the new Ripple Effect programmes Sept-Dec 2019.
Booking now open for the new Ripple Effect programmes Sep-Dec 2019. All courses and programmes are free. If you would like a copy of brochure sent to you or want to book yourself on a programme, contact Jola on 01392 284280 or [email protected]
Programmes on offer: Mindfulness, Yoga, Drama, Digital Art, Photography, Health & Fitness, Digital Music Making, Video Creation, Creative Coding, Art & Crafts, Food & Mood, Connection Reflections … and more!
Ripple Effect is a free programme of activities for anyone who is in recovery. This could be from Drugs & Alcohol, Mental Health, Offending history, Domestic Violence, Relationship breakdown etc … or any major change in someone’s life such as homelessness. Please get in touch for more information and SHARE far and wide please!
Please note – If people don’t access free programmes then we loose those programmes. So get busy & involved!