Exeter Community Initiatives is calling for volunteer mentors for its True North project.
What is True North?
Exeter Community Initiatives’ Devon Family Resource project has been successful in securing funding for a two-year pilot mentoring and diversionary activity project for young males aged 10-14, living in households with a history of domestic violence, in and around the city of Exeter.
Designed to improve outcomes for young people and families and work preventatively to reduce crime, the project will be delivered in partnership with Stop Abuse for Everyone (SAFE).
True North aims to offer these young people glimpses of a different, more positive path, through regular one to one meetings with an upbeat and motivated mentor, the chance to experience and achieve through a range of physical and creative activities and to be part of a wider cohort of mentees and peers.
What does mentoring involve?
We probably all mentor people without necessarily being aware of it – as colleagues, friends, parents or partners. To mentor is to support and encourage people to manage their own circumstances so that they can maximise their potential, develop their life skills and become the best version of themselves. It’s not about being perfect, or solving someone else’s problems; it’s about listening, sharing the benefit of your own life experience, guiding and being present in a mentee’s life for an agreed amount of time until they are ready to fly solo.
I am interested – what happens next?
You can find more information and details by going to the website here or contact Karen Delmege (Project Coordinator – True North) for an informal chat on 07516 019 088.
We are looking for people just like you – all you need is to be able to offer a few hours a week and in return you will have the chance to be part of a project that can change the direction of a young life forever.
Exeter Community Initiatives is committed to quality, equality and diversity and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. The mentor posts however, are restricted to men only due to the nature of the role. The Occupational Requirement under Schedule 9 (part 1) of the Equality Act 2010 applies.